Unlocked Design Series
We proudly build on the work of our homies at the Stanford d. School and the National Equity Project in applying Liberatory Design to unlock the creative soul of school. We call this tending to the soul of school. Tending to the soul is about healing from interlocking systems of oppression, acknowledging the inherent, essential goodness of all folks, and animating our collective genius into action. In this we cultivate communities of belonging, becoming, and infinite possibility.
In this experience, we’ll explore Unlocked Design with our hands, hearts and minds. Along the way, you’ll discover multiple ways to unlock the creative capacity in your own work and organization. Let’s Go!!!!!!
Guiding Questions:
1. Intro to Unlocked Design: Methods, Mindsets and Maps, approx 4.0 hours (hybrid/online), delivered with 3 facilitators. What is design thinking?
Theme: Identity + Design Sprint
2. Design Thinking in the Classroom, approx 4.0 hours (hybrid/online), delivered with 3 facilitators. What does it look like in the classroom?
Theme: Design-Based Learning + Context Matters
3. School Leadership: Unlocking Design Across the School, approx 4.0 hours (hybrid/online), delivered with 3 facilitators. How might we create a culture of design?
Theme: Aspirations, 7 Things to do Tomorrow & Next
In this experience, we’ll explore Unlocked Design with our hands, hearts and minds. Along the way, you’ll discover multiple ways to unlock the creative capacity in your own work and organization. Let’s Go!!!!!!
- Gain a foundational understanding of design thinking methods, mindsets, and maps--start small tomorrow.
- Identify how design might support students in the deepest forms of learning.
- Learn how to develop an organizational culture of design.
Guiding Questions:
- How might we practice design leadership habits focused on innovation and equity?
- How might we develop a cultural practice of design in our schools?
1. Intro to Unlocked Design: Methods, Mindsets and Maps, approx 4.0 hours (hybrid/online), delivered with 3 facilitators. What is design thinking?
Theme: Identity + Design Sprint
2. Design Thinking in the Classroom, approx 4.0 hours (hybrid/online), delivered with 3 facilitators. What does it look like in the classroom?
Theme: Design-Based Learning + Context Matters
3. School Leadership: Unlocking Design Across the School, approx 4.0 hours (hybrid/online), delivered with 3 facilitators. How might we create a culture of design?
Theme: Aspirations, 7 Things to do Tomorrow & Next